Foods to Avoid

For the first three days after getting your braces, we recommend a non-chewing diet.  Foods such as soup, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, eggs, and rice are recommended.  After the first three days, you can gradually begin introducing your normal foods again.  Avoid tough meats, hard breads and raw vegetables.  Before long, you’ll be able to bite into a cucumber again, but you’ll need to protect your orthodontic appliances when you eat for as long as you’re wearing braces.

Something To “Chu” On

HARD & STICKY foods should be avoided, use common sense and you’ll be rewarded.
CARAMEL & TAFFY will pull off your braces, they’re just too sticky in all the wrong places.
We know SUCKERS, CANDY & GUM are great fun for you, but they make extra work for Dr. Chu.
POPCORN & NUTS are a healthier snack, but they’ll break off your braces and set your treatment back!
TOSTITIOS & TACOS are a treat for your tummy, but breaking your braces is never funny.
BAGELS, PRTZELS, PEACH PITS & BONES will knock off a bracket, so leave them alone!
If you think PIZZA & BREAD CRUSTS are the best part, BEWARE! – that’s how most bent wires will start!
CARROTS sliced slim, and CELERY cut small are simple secrets that help us all!
An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away, but all fruit must be cut the right way!
Because it’s important, we’ll say it twice – NEVER, NEVER chew on ICE!!
