Chu Crew Movie Day
Dr. Chu and The Chu Crew are trying to "brace" themselves as their annual Movie Day celebration quickly approaches! Tell your friends and family, both with and without braces to come and join in the orthodontic fun!
When: Decemeber 17th, doors open at 8:30 AM, movie showing is at 9:00AM
Where: Marcus Renaissance Cinema
What: This years movie is Star Wars Rogue One!
How do you get your tickets? Well my braces loving friends, stop by the office of The Chu Crew during normal business office to pick up your tickets. Tickets must be picked up in person, and this year Dr. Chu and The Chu Crew are asking that you donate one non-perishable food item per ticket to be donated to the local food bank.
Dr. Chu has always been an avid supporter of the community and volunteering, so join your orthodontist in a morning of fun, all for a great cause!